NoCuddle > PSP Cheats > [cwcheat] Metal Slug Anthology. Create your own social network with a free forum. Learn More Register for Free. Title: [cwcheat] Metal Slug Anthology Description: ULUS-10154. Wolferaizer - May 18, 2009 12:18 AM (GMT) Rev 2 (20091214) Updated to as-far-as-i've-found-cheats. This is based on my gaming.

Mar 20, 2017 text 2.99 KB. Raw download clone embed print report. G Shin Megami Tensei Persona 2 Innocent Sin. L 0x2063AC2C 0x3B9AC9FF. C0 ALL CARD 999. L 0x7063B298 0x00000001. L 0x8063AFBA 0x00800001. Jun 14, 2012 Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 USA CWCheats. Here is the card code x7 or x9 or what ever you want, just change the number in red to the number in Hex that you want to have: (only from 01 to 63) C0 ALL CARDS X7. L 0x80338CD4 0x12CA0002. L 0x1000 07 04 0x00000000. The King of Fighters '96. The King of Fighters Collection - The Orochi Saga. The Legend of Heroes - A Tear of Vermillion. Mar 25, 2011 Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive USA ULUS-10571 CWCheats (Updated 3/28/11) I'm a big Naruto fan, so it follows that I've played this game – that was when it was still in Japanese. I just got as far as challenging Shukaku, but I never defeated it. Never learned any moveset, never understood anything in the game, just kept mashing buttons.
G GTA: VCS USA //. C0 Game speed 100% ( default) // Float 4 byte variable. L 0x203B3B58 0x3F800000. C0 Game speed 200%. // Float 4 byte variable.
Rev 2 (20091214) Up to date to as-fár-as-i'vé-found-chéats. This is definitely centered on my video gaming preference: X: fireplace, O: leap, : explosive device, /: change You may modify the HOTKEY. lf you dont understand how, fall me á msg (ás if any1 reading this).:P I cant get proper crack for those real skills (eg: Eri lengthy range bomb, Tarma Vulcan repair) but able to get Ralf't double existence/armor rather. So I used char change on the travel.

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Inexpensive but function. Tho beware of pests. Rev 1 (20090518) Status: WIP (imperfect) ideally by this '09 christmas! To do:. DB clear up CODE S i9000 ULUS-10154 G Steel Slug Anthology U D0 0#Utmost Tokens (Omake) T 0x0033E360 0x00000063 C0 - C0 1P Max Time M 0x005C27CF 0x00000060 D0 1P Add Saved POW T 0xM0000000 0x10002008 L 0x30100001 0x012C2CY2 G0 1P Max Lives L 0x005E3723 0x00000009 C0 1P Harakiri L 0xDeb0000000 0x10000308 D 0x005C288B 0x00000002 C0 1P Skill Ralf's Armor T 0x005E36E5 0x00000027 D 0x005E36AY 0x0000001C Chemical0 1P Ability Eri's Explosive device 1/2 M 0x005C284C 0x000000.
Steel Slug AnthoIogy psp iso ápk android fór ppsspp free download working on mobile and pc,The wild capturing collection contains seven incredibly good steel SLUG game titles, such as steel SLUG, metal SLUG 2, metallic SLUG Back button, metal SLUG 3, metal SLUG four, metaI SLUG five, ánd metal SLUG 6. Rounding out the bunch will be -participant guide via wi-fi multiplayer. Steel Slug Anthology PSP ISO Discharge Date: February 20, 2007 MSRP: 39.99 USD T for Teenager: Type: Activity Author: SNK Playmore Designers: Airport terminal Truth, SNK Playmore Supported Features Amount Of Players: 1-2 Memory Card Neighborhood - VS # of Participants Multi-cartridge Multiplayer Metallic Slug Anthology PSP Screenshots.
RE: Metal Slug Anthology now it work fine, but in parts in the game that are much movement and sprite anination such has bosses or the train in the first level it lags a lot and finally crashes, i discovered that i mustn't shot when the game slows down and it recover the normal speed, second thing is when i try to open the menu it don't opens. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Metal Slug Anthology for PSP. Metal Slug XX psp iso apk android for ppsspp free download working on mobile. Metal Slug XX PSP Download. Download ISO File. Metal Slug Anthology ISO for PPSSPP.

Rev 2 (20091214) Up to date to as-fár-as-i'vé-found-chéats. This is certainly based on my gaming choice: Back button: fireplace, O: leap, : bomb, /: switch You may modify the HOTKEY. lf you dont know how, fall me á msg (ás if any1 reading through this).:P I cant obtain proper crack for those real abilities (eg: Eri long range bomb, Tarma Vulcan repair) but able to obtain Ralf't double lifestyle/armor instead. So I used char change on the journey.
Inexpensive but function. Tho beware of insects. Rev 1 (20090518) Status: WIP (unfinished) hopefully by this '09 christmas! To do:.
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DB clean up Program code T ULUS-10154 H Metallic Slug Anthology U Chemical0 0#Utmost Bridal party (Omake) L 0x0033E360 0x00000063 C0 - C0 1P Max Time T 0x005C27CN 0x00000060 C0 1P Insert Saved POW L 0xM0000000 0x10002008 L 0x30100001 0x012C2CAt the2 M0 1P Maximum Lives L 0x005E3723 0x00000009 G0 1P Harakiri L 0xD0000000 0x10000308 L 0x005C288B 0x00000002 M0 1P Ability Ralf's Armor T 0x005E36E5 0x00000027 M 0x005E36AF 0x0000001C C0 1P Skill Eri's Explosive device 1/2 D 0x005C284C 0x000000.