- Really fool us like it did on Penn and Teller? Link to purchase magic:http://shinlimmagic.com/product/sss/https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/magic/.
- S.S.S (Sleeveless Silent Smoke) is Shin Lim's signature effect that he uses in his 2 time FISM winning act and his TV appearance in Pen and Tellers Fool Us that went immediately viral the next day. Whether you're a street, parlor, or stage performer; you will be able to apply S.S.S to your regular routine.
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World Magic Shop DO NOT SELL Every product listed anymore. Only visit: for the items we sell. Quality not Quantity:-) From th. Shin Lim's SSS is a versatile and inexpensive device that let's you do just that. With this device, you can stand literally two feet away and make smoke eerily appear inside a glass on the table. Shin Lim's SSS requires no sleeves, no overly-complexed hookup, and best of all, IT IS SILENT. . Minecraft 1.9 ipa download. Included in this DVD is a gimmick that is 'the right size' and a harder to find in small quantities than the other parts required, which is why it was included. However, every single part of SSS can be found at any hardware, CVS store, etc. Or online for under $25.00 - $35.00. (Shin goes in extreme detail of how and where to get. The law of ueki full episode sub indo.
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Sean Giles Inner circle Cambridge/ UK 3727 Posts | 0 Guys, think before you buy this on pre-order. Look at recent history and at least wait for a few reviews. By what's NOT seen on the trailer I can almost guarantee most will not be using it. best, Sean | |||||||||
Magic.Maddy Inner circle 1861 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 07:58, Sean Giles wrote: While that may be correct, the main reason I pre-ordered is because what if this is incredible and everyone tries to get their hands on it and before long its sold out? Then I can at least have mine. For me, the good out-ways the bad. In this case, particularly. Let's think about the facts: I KNOW for a fact that I will be able to produce smoke without sleeves I KNOW for a fact it is silent I KNOW for a fact it is under my complete control I KNOW for a fact I can control the amount of smoke I KNOW for a fact I can refill my own gimmick when needed I KNOW for a fact I can make more than one gimmick if I want Those all sound pretty great. Those are all statements of truth. For me, its worth the risk. | |||||||||
Alex DLF Inner circle 1809 Posts | 0 Merchant of magic are speaking a little bit more about the product in itself. Get yourself the Flap Cards guide : http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4435 Make sure to check my review Channel, new reviews coming every week ! http://www.youtube.com/c/alexisreviews | |||||||||
Magic.Maddy Inner circle 1861 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 08:43, nespressaw wrote: I heard that as well but I can't find that post from THEM. But if that is the case, that excited me more. I still have no clue how that could work. | |||||||||
MR Effecto Inner circle 2601 Posts | 0 I know waiting for reviews is hard sometimes. But someone has to pre order this and get it to give reviews. I myself will wait for a review. I want it and most likely will get it. Even if its sold out there will be more. If its that good and easy to make it wont sell out he will just make more. | |||||||||
gimmickless Veteran user 305 Posts | 0 SSS uses a safe liquid glycerine which does not contain nicotine. You can purchase the refill liquid very easily and cheaply online. The whole idea of SSS is to allow you to locally source parts and the refill liquid yourself whenever you need it, and cheaply. The smoke produced from SSS is safe, and has no smell, it will not stain cloths, and is under your total control. | |||||||||
Rus ANDREWS Inner circle 1452 Posts | 0 Should be getting a copy shortly, I will post a full review once I played with it in a working environment. Best R | |||||||||
mndude Special user 784 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 10:42, Rus ANDREWS wrote: This posting is one of the most anticipated ones here for a long time. We all greatly await your review. | |||||||||
Magic.Maddy Inner circle 1861 Posts | 0 I say we just leave it at that until they start coming in. No need for bashing creators and such when we don't even know how good/bad it is yet. | |||||||||
Chessmann Inner circle 4159 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 08:27, Magic.Maddy wrote: If it is good, it won't be sold out for long. Not worth the risk, personally, but to each their own. My ex-cat was named 'Muffin'. 'Vomit' would be a better name for her. AKA 'The Evil Ball of Fur'. | |||||||||
mndude Special user 784 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 15:59, Chessmann wrote: Don't discourage him (her?)! How else are we going to get our reviews? | |||||||||
paperinick Inner circle my faro is starting to look nice after 1165 Posts | 0 If it's a glycerin nebulizer it seems pretty dangerous to run under a closeup mat. The thing requires 2Amps to heat properly.. Curious, WWR (will wait reviews). I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death my right to say 'scr*w you' if you persist. [Voltaire ] | |||||||||
rupayan New user 6 Posts | 0 Wow there are certainly a lot of questions about this product. I am surprised at some of the really negative comments on Shin Lim. People say he has a 'bad reputation,' but I really don't want to get into that. That is really just one person's opinions about his products. In my eyes, I find all of his products to be of great quality. Now lets talk about SSS. I feel like I understand this product better than most because.. Well I've seen it. With my own eyes. You see, Shin Lim gave a lecture at my local IBM ring where he performed his FISM act. And lo and behold, this smoke gimmick was part of his act. I was outstanded when I first saw it. It truly is miraculous. Some people were worried about lighting? I think it looks fine even without backlight. We were in a decently lit place, but he didn't have backlighting. But what truly lets me explain this better, is that he in fact showed me the gimmick. He told me how to make it. And I have to say, I'm impressed. Now I'm not going to reveal anything, and mind that the set up I saw was from a long time before now (I believe October or November of 2011?). So obviously his model has probably been much improved. Nonetheless, the idea was pretty simple, yet ingenious, and when I saw the gimmick, I laughed at what it really was. But don't take that the bad way. The gimmick worked, and it is in fact quite good. I'd like to compare this to when Calen Morelli released Dresscode. Now forget about any preconceived notions you have about Calen. I'm talking about how he released a shirt change effect, a very good effect, potentially for stage, for $25 dollars. I see no reason NOT to buy it. And I know some people personally didn't like it, but for me, I use it all the time. Now lets get back to this situation, which I find extremely similar. This is a hard hitting effect, that can be done close up, or for larger audiences. And while other smoke rigs cost upwards of $100 dollars, here he is selling one at $30. Once again, I see no reason NOT to buy it. And in the end, if you don't like it, a $30 fee isn't that big of a waste. I know as magicians we have all spent more than $50 on something that simply ended up being completely useless. And once again, I've seen it in use, and it is nice. Very nice. Couple other things. To powermagic. Mr Murphy is a retailer. Why would he lie about a product? If he was being iffy about some things, that is probably to keep the secret from being revealed. It is so with all magic effects. Also, truthfully, if you don't wish to preorder, simply don't. Wait for reviews. But please don't put others off from buying it. As a magic community, we really should embrace our fellow creators and help them. I hope this answered some questions. Rupayan | |||||||||
Magic.Maddy Inner circle 1861 Posts | 0 Thanks Rupayan. I agree with your points. I am extremely excited about this. I have faith that it will be good. | |||||||||
tomsk192 Inner circle 3894 Posts | 0 For sure. I'll put one of these together when it arrives, and will look forward to giving a very honest review. | |||||||||
Magic.Maddy Inner circle 1861 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 17:34, tomsk192 wrote: That makes two of us. I'm looking forward to this. | |||||||||
tbaer Inner circle Pennsylvania 1965 Posts | 0 If this turns out to be a big hit, 2013 will be starting out good. But I will wait for reviews. And even if the reviews are good and the item is out of stock, it's still worth waiting for the next batch to come in, if it actually lives up to its hype. | |||||||||
tomsk192 Inner circle 3894 Posts | 0 Sure. Have no fear, Magic.Maddy, Rus and I will be three honest reviewers. | |||||||||
Xiqual Inner circle Upper left quadrant 4934 Posts | 0 So.. you joined yesterday and you just decided to tell us all about SSS? Shin Lim's credibility is in question for faking a demo. I would say that is an issue. James ps 'outstanded' is not a word. Quote: On 2013-01-30 16:19, rupayan wrote: | |||||||||
magicandsoul Loyal user 263 Posts | 0 Quote: On 2013-01-30 07:58, Sean Giles wrote: No | |||||||||
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Latest and Greatest? » » SSS by Shim Lim... 'Holy Grail' of SMOKE at your Fingertips or Not???? (1 Likes) | ||||||||||
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