Map Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive


Three Steps :

Map a drive to your document library Switch back to File Explorer. In the pane on the left, right-click the Network folder and select Map network drive. Click the link named Connect to a web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures. Stack Exchange network consists of 178 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. But until that day, this is what works in the field for mapping SharePoint document libraries as network drives: Ensure you have Internet Explorer 11. Open services.msc and ensure that Web Client is set to Automatic and that it is Started. Add the SharePoint Library to your Trusted Sites in IE, and set the slider to Medium-Low. At this moment, you can follow similar steps as above (in situation section) to map the network drive from windows explorer and you should be able to map the SharePoint online libraries. You can also optionally visit any document libraries or predefined galleries like master pages and open the library using “Open with Windows Explorer” option.

  1. Activate WeDav (under the IIS feature) on all frontend servers.
  2. Activate the Web Client on the client machine that needs the access to the SharePoint document library.
  3. Resolve the request to login and bypass the prompt window for authentication on the client/batch server.
Map Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive

step 1:

  • Open server manager
  • Select the features option on the left navigation
  • Select add Features on the right rail.
  • select the wedav under the IIS tab

Step 2:

  1. Open server manager
  2. Select the features option on the left navigation
  3. Select add Features on the right rail.
  4. Check the Desktop Experience feature under User Interfaces and Infrastructure.
  5. You will be prompted to restart ( outage is sometime required and should be take into account on production environments).
  6. Make sure the WebClient service started or start it manually.
  7. Testing from a client : Use network mapping to map a path to SharePoint Document library folder from your client make sure you have the right permission to access the library, if you are planning to use the mapping for a process make sure the process is running with an account that have access to the document library.

Duration : 20 min
Outage is required
UAT with test case (step 7 ) is required

Notes :

  • You can’t change the security on the mapped path and share it.
  • Make sure the service account you use have permission to the target SharePoint document library.
  • When mapping the path use the account of the schedule agent, if you plan to run a scheduled process.

Access document library using UNC path with SSL

Make sure WebDAV is enabled under IIS features on the front end servers.

Map sharepoint document library as network drive

Make sure the web client is enabled on the client server ( the one you want to map the drive to SharePoint)

use the following format:

Step 3

when you try to use the UNC format and being prompted for password it could be because the domain is not a local intranet site, for example :

http://intranet/subsite or UNC intranetsubsite will be considered by the webclient as and intrernal website that does not need to be prompted for authentication.

while or UNC mycompany.comsubsite will be considered by the webclient as external or unsafe zone which will trigger the prompt for credentials.

to resolve this known issue follow these steps :

  1. Click Start, type regedit, and then press Enter.
  2. Locate and then select the following registry subkey:
  3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Multi-String Value.
  4. Type AuthForwardServerList, and then press Enter.
  5. On the Edit menu, click Modify.
  6. In the Value data box, type the URL of the server that hosts the web share, and then click OK.Note You can also type a list of URLs in the Value data box. For more information, see the “Sample URL list” section in this article.
  7. Exit Registry Editor.


  • If you have added the AuthForwardServerList registry entry, be aware that if Basic authentication or Digest authentication is implemented in the network, using the registry entry cannot prevent the prompt for credentials. This behavior is by design for Basic authentication and Digest authentication.
  • You must restart the WebClient service after you modify the registry.

Sample URL list

Map Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive

In the Value data box for the new entry, you can enter a list of URLs, such as the following example:

*** Update – very important! if the web client stop working automatically you will need to check the server group policies in some cases you will need to move the server to AD OU that will support Web Client which in some organization may be flagged as a potential security risk.

Reference :

Prompt for credentials when you access WebDav-based FQDN sites in Windows

Map Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive Definition
