Hi all,

After many hours of work, I am ready to release my FT-857D CAT control library for the Arduino IDE.
This library allows the user to control various functions of the radio via serial connection and the CAT control (computer aided transceiver) protocol.
I looked extensively for a library, or even an example sketch which could help me get started but came up empty. I then decided to tackle this challenge and provide a library to encourage other hams to interface their Arduino to their Yaesu (or other) radios.
Living in a metro (and very noisy) area I am considering remote operation. The Yaesu FT-950 would provide complete rig control over the CAT interface. Unfortunately software is not Yaesu's business so they put the the interface, provide the references but left to the user the task to build the computer application required to talk to the rig. Welcome to TRX-Manager an original and innovative CAT Control, DXing and Logging program for Radioamateurs. Nearly 150 transceivers, including the oldest and the most recent are supported! Here you can get the latest information about the software, and much more. 50 hp evinrude outboard manual. IMPORTANT NOTICE!
Ham Radio Cat Software
Please visit my website to download the library, or for additional information (including command structure): www.ve3bux.com
Ham Radio Cat Software
As an example, here is a simple sketch which makes use of the FT857D library: Prince the very best of prince zip. Novel the fault in our stars pdf bahasa indonesia.