Crossover Wizard101 Test Realm


I haven’t found anybody else sadly who’s claimed the 200%, highest I’ve seen was someone having 191. Before the test realm for the pet updates and stuff came out it was impossible to achieve 200% damage, and right when the test realm update came out I put my dragoon set gear and got the 200 then and there. As you have read in the gardening article I put up a few days ago, it requires the Test Realm! It's pretty easy to use the Test Realm, but there are a few very important limitations you have to pay attention to before using it. Many of you reading this may be pretty agravated. Here's how KingsIsle puts it:This Test Realm is available to Subscribers.

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  2. Crossover Wizard101 Test Realm Guide
Test Realm
I heard the Test realm is open, so how do you install it?
Re: Test Realm
The Test Realm isn't currently online; however, when it is released next, we will announce it through our normal channels and instructions will be supplied. Be on the look out for the red sneak peek flag when you log in to our website, that will definitely be your first clue that the Test Realm is live.
*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Re: Test Realm
The Test Realm isn't currently online; however, when it is released next, we will announce it through our normal channels and instructions will be supplied. Be on the look out for the red sneak peek flag when you log in to our website, that will definitely be your first clue that the Test Realm is live.
Just wondering jack does the test realm open every month?
Re: Test Realm
The Test Realm is now open! More here.
*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Re: Test Realm
zacharoo, the test realm opens when KingsIsle is about to make an upgrade or expansion to the game; players who want have an opportunity to see the upgrades and additions in advance while simultaneously field testing the new bits and providing KI with feedback to help the developers identify and fix any problems before the changes go 'live'.
Re: Test Realm
About a week ago the test realm went down and i was in the middle of a dungeon.Now will my progress be saved or will i have to restart it. Because i was on the wreck of the victory mission(the one where u have to defect the armada general).
oh and when will the test realm be open once more
Re: Test Realm
ccedwards, the Test Realm is totally close for now as Marleybone and Aquila has gone Live.
When the Test Realm will reopen your Pirate character will be at the area and/or quest that you are now in Live Pirate101 because KI copy your character around the same level your Pirate is in Live before they open the Test Realm.
Re: Test Realm
About a week ago the test realm went down and i was in the middle of a dungeon.Now will my progress be saved or will i have to restart it. Because i was on the wreck of the victory mission(the one where u have to defect the armada general).
-chase nightingale
oh and when will the test realm be open once more
Nothing in the test realm will be brought to live.
Before the next time test realm opens, KI copies the player database that is the most recent over.
Re: Test Realm
Nothing in the test realm will be brought to live.
Before the next time test realm opens, KI copies the player database that is the most recent over.
So you are saying ,when the test realm comes back on it will restart my charter to the main charter stats. If so then i got a lot of work to do in the main game.

Wizard101 has come out with a surprise one week test realm to introduce updates to the Beastmoon Hunt and team up. Let’s take a look at what’s new!

Two New Beastforms

This test realm introduces two never-before-seen beastforms. The Storm Rat Thief and the Death Cyclops. Below is a basic rundown of these new forms.

Storm Rat Thief

Fusing offense and utility, this form loses some ability to buff to gain raw power and supportive diversity. Many of its spells deal great damage and become even more damaging or pip efficient under certain conditions. This form also sports the ability to debuff and stun the opponent. Even more impressively, this form has the only non-conditional universal dispel in the game. To balance out these powerful abilities, the Storm Rat Thief has the lowest health at 300 HP. Finally, it can gain 1 bonus pip (potentially starting battle with 2 pips) and has a 10% movement speed increase.

The Spring Test Realm is just around the corner for Wizard101 and it's shaping up to be a pretty big one! Based on teasers we've seen already from KyleIceWielder, AwesometheSauce, and Legends of the Spiral, we have some idea of what to expect. Here's one more thing to look forward to - 'will cast' pet talents! Note: The above image is a graphic.

Death Cyclops


The Death Cyclops stands at 550 health, making it the bulkiest death Beastform to date. It has the ability to collect one bonus pip and travels at a normal speed. It seems to draw from all aspects of death’s repertoire, having the ability to debuff, suppress heals, drain, and trap. However it is quite weak on the AoE end, receiving only a high cost, low damage AoE and an expensive AoE/DoT later down the line.

Tier/Level Revamps

A common complaint from Beastmoon hunt participants was that levels reset every hunt. Thus, it was often prohibitively expensive to try to upgrade one’s tier and to remain at a competitive level. Well now, your level will match your unlocked tier in each new hunt. Thus, if you have a Tier 4 Beastform, that Beastform will always start each new hunt at level 4. This change is a godsend for many Beastmoon Hunters and helps to further increase the value of tiers in the hunt.

Team Up Changes

Several notable changes have been made to the team-up system. When requesting a team up, one can set the minimum number of players required to start the encounter. Furthermore, one can also specify whether the team up is for questing or for farming. This will help to reduce the incidences of split priorities that plagued random team ups. An icon for longer dungeons was also added as well as a “status bar” of sorts that shows how long any particular team-up has been waiting for members. Finally, skeleton key bosses have been added to their own tab and all players attempting a team up of said boss must have a key to join.

Crossover wizard101 test realmCrossover Wizard101 Test Realm

Crossover Wizard101 Test Realm 2

What do you think of this Test Realm? Let us know in the comments below!

Crossover Wizard101 Test Realm Guide

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