Chemistry Add In For Word


How to add chemistry symbols in word 2010. Chemistry Add-in for Word. 3.9 on 39 votes. The Chemistry Add-in for Word allows you to insert and modify chemical information (labels, formulas, 2-D depictions, etc.

Microsoft Word is the best tool for writing and formatting text for your academics. Writing chemical reaction and associated symbols in word like various kinds of arrows in Word as easy (like in LaTeX) but what if you want to insert a chemistry formula or diagram of a molecule?. You know how difficult it is to draw them using Shapes available in Ms Word. Drawing complex chemical structure is not supported by Ms Word straight out of the box.

  1. Definition of analytical chemistry in the dictionary. Meaning of analytical chemistry. What does analytical chemistry mean? Information and translations of analytical chemistry in.
  2. Chemistry add-in for Word goes open-source. Microsoft is now offering an add-in that lets Word users view and work on chemical structures to the open-source community.
  3. Top free chemistry word downloads. Science Helper for Ms Word is a type of implemental software for making physics, chemistry, math and electronic graphs of the high school or scientific graphs.

Import qbm file into quickbooks for mac. There are tons of paid and free software like ChemSketch etc. in the market that facilitates drawing chemical structure. But no one comes close to Chem4Word in ease of drawing and speed. Also, this software integrates seamlessly with Ms Word.

This software is available as plugin. This free plugin adds support for entering and editing chemistry symbols, diagrams, and formulas using intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI). Be it a simple molecule like water or little complex molecule like “Benzene” ring to a very complicated molecule like “sildenafil citrate”, drawing its chemical structure is very easy.

Chem4Word plugin


Microsoft Chemistry Add-in For Word

The Chemistry Add-In for Microsoft Word is a chemistry-aware add-in for Microsoft Word, which is sponsored and supported by the .NET Foundation. Microsoft Research and Drs. Peter Murray-Rust and Joe Townsend of the University of Cambridge’s Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics initially developed the open source Chem4Word project. The two organizations assigned the project to the Outercurve Foundation in February 2011.

Features of Chem4Word


Jzip windows 10. The Chem4Word add-in allows the user to interact with chemistry in a document as follows

  • Edit / draw your structures using an embedded open source chemical structure editor called ChemDoodle Web Sketcher.
  • Edit textual descriptors for a structure.
  • Import chemical structures from web services such as PubChem and Opsin.
  • Import files in CML or MDL Molfile format.
  • Export drawn or imported structures in CML or MDL Molfile format. You can use this option to copy drawings to other documents of share them with colleagues

The Chem4Word add-in stores the chemical structures as Chemical Mark-up Language (CML) in the aforementioned Custom XML Parts, then renders the structure inside a Custom Control using Drawing ML. The Chem4Word add-in also allows the user to depict the structure by one of its textual descriptors. When you edit a chemistry structure and save the results, all of its linked visualizations are also updated.

Installing Chem4Word plugin in Ms Word.


This plugin requires the following

  • Ms Office: Office 2010, Office 2013 or Office 2016.
  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later.
  • All operating systems must have the latest Windows updates installed.
  • NET Framework 4.5.2 (You can download it for free from, may require windows restart )

Installation Procedure

  • Download Chem4word Plugin from for free from here
  • Run Chem4Word-Setup.exe: This will automatically download and install the required prerequisite / software like.
    a. Visual Studio Tool for office run time
    b. Chemistry Add-in for Microsoft word.
  • Enjoy!!!

If you do all the steps correctly, then you should see Chemistry Ribbon in your Ms Word.

Draw chemical structure in Word

To draw chemical structure, Click “Chemistry tab” where you will find the option to draw, navigate or import.

Navigate chemical structure

Chemistry Add-in For Word 2020

After installing plugin, your database will be pre-populated with some molecules. If the molecule you want to draw is available offline database of this plugin, you can directly use it. Navigation base looks something like this.

It allows you to draw any chemical symbols from easy to use and intuitive GUI as shown in figure below. You can draw simple and complex molecule. But this is not the recommend this way of drawing chemical structure. Because 99.9% of all the chemical structure are available in library. Be it a simple molecule like water or little complex like Benzene or a very complex molecule like paracetamol or Sildenafil Citrate. Structure of all these molecules could be imported.

Import chemical structure

If the molecule you want to draw is not available in offline database / Navigate panel, then you can import it online. You can draw a chemical structure of a molecule by importing structure from the following three online database.

  • PubChem Database
  • ChEBI Database
  • Opsin Database

To import, just click on Import and then select any of the following database and type the desired molecule in search bar. I just tried to draw the chemical structure of “sildenafil citrate” molecule and I just got it on the fly using import option.

Draw chemical structure

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If you are writing chemistry articles in Ms Word and need a tool to draw chemical structure, then Chem4Word is the one stop solutions. Using this plugin you will never need to spend your precious time in the tedious work of drawing chemical structures. Cisco router ios image gns3 workbench.