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- Global Approach To Reading
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- Global Approach Definition
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

Setting the standard for excellence, accuracy, and innovation
Biology: A Global Approachdelivers a trusted, accurate, current, and pedagogically innovative experience that guides students to a true understanding of biology. The author team advances Neil Campbell’s vision of meeting and equipping students at their individual skill levels by developing tools, visuals, resources, and activities that encourage participation and engage students in their learning. Known for strategically integrating text and artwork, this trusted course solution works hand in hand with Mastering Biology to reinforce key concepts, build scientific skills, and promote active learning. The 12th Edition meets demonstrated student needs with new student-centered features, expanded interactivity in the eText, and fully revised assessment program.
Mastering Biology is not included. Students, if Mastering Biology is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering Biology should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Reach every student by pairing this text with Mastering Biology
Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Features
Innovative pedagogy helps students bridge gaps and develop a conceptual framework
- NEW - Chapter Openers introduce each chapter and feature a question answered with a clear, simple image to help students visualize and remember concepts as they move through the chapter. Each opener includes a study tip and points students to interactive media and study tools in Mastering Biology.
- NEW - Interactive Visual Activities give students an engaging way to interact with Biology: A Global Approach’s powerful art program while deepening their understanding of biology. These are available in Pearson eText.
- NEW - Science in the Classroom presents annotated journal articles from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)andmakes reading and understanding primary literature easier for students. The articles include assessments in Mastering, allowing instructors to assign the journal articles.
- End-of-chapter Summary of Key Concepts Questions reinforce the main ideas in each chapter, while Test Your Understanding Questions prepare students for the kinds of questions they will see on exams and encourage higher-level thinking.
- The Test Your Understanding Questions are organized into three levels based on Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension, Application/Analysis, and Synthesis/Evaluation. Question types include Visual Skills: Draw It, Scientific Inquiry, Evolution Connection, Write About a Theme (Organization, Information, Energy and Matter, or Interactions), and Synthesize Your Knowledge.
Helps students make connections visually across biology
- NEW - Make Connections Figures from the textbook are now also in the Pearson eText and Mastering Biology. These two-page visual representations show the “big picture” relationships between content from different chapters.
- NEW - Additional Figure Walkthroughs that guide students to a deeper understanding of the ways in which figures represent biological structures, processes, and functions. One- to two-page visual spreads feature key figures with narrated explanations, figure markups, and self-assessment questions that reinforce important points and incorporate higher-level Bloom’s questions. Visualizing questions appear in every chapter and ask students to create visuals themselves.
- Make Connections Questions ask students to relate content in a chapter to material presented earlier in the course to help them see the connections between different areas of biology, from molecules to organisms to ecosystems.
- Make Connections Tutorials connect content from two different chapters using art from the book. Make Connections Tutorials are assignable and automatically graded in Mastering Biology and include answer-specific feedback for students.
Build key scientific skills and help students apply what they learn
- UPDATED - Test bank questions have been analyzed and revised with student success in mind. Revisions account for how students read, analyze, and engage with the content, providing a rebuilt Biology: A Global Approach assessment program.
- Interpret the Data questions throughout the text ask students to analyze quantitative information presented in a graph or table. These questions can be assigned in Mastering Biology.
- Scientific Skills Exercises in every chapter of the text use real data to build key skills needed for biology, including data analysis, graphing, experimental design, and math skills. Each Scientific Skills Exercise is also available as an automatically graded assignment in Mastering Biology with answer-specific feedback for students.
- Problem-Solving Exercises guide students in applying scientific skills and interpreting real data in the context of solving a real-world problem. A version of each Problem-Solving Exercise can also be assigned in Mastering Biology.
- Inquiry Figures highlight how researchers designed an experiment, interpreted their results, and drew conclusions. Each Inquiry Figure concludes with a What If? Question that asks students to consider an alternative scenario, Interpret the Data Question that asks students to analyze the data presented, or Visual Skills Question that asks students to interpret a diagram.
Mastering Biology is not included. Students, if Mastering Biology is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering Biology should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Reach every student with Mastering
Teach your course your way: Your course is unique. So whether you’d like to build your own auto-graded assignments, foster student engagement during class, or give students anytime, anywhere access, Mastering gives you the flexibility to easily create your course to fit your needs.
- NEW - Early Alerts in Mastering Biology help instructors know when students may be struggling in the course. This insight enables instructors to provide personalized communication and support at the moment students need it so they can stay—and succeed—in the course.
o NEW - Five Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules expand the number of modules designed to make use of teaching tools before, during, and after class, including new ideas for in-class activities. The modules incorporate the best that the text, Mastering Biology, and Learning Catalytics have to offer and can be accessed through the Instructor Resources area of Mastering Biology.
o With Learning Catalytics, you’ll hear from every student when it matters most. You pose a variety of questions that help students recall ideas, apply concepts, and develop critical-thinking skills. Your students respond using their own smartphones, tablets, or laptops. You can monitor responses with real-time analytics and find out what your students do — and don’t — understand. Then, you can adjust your teaching accordingly, and even facilitate peer-to-peer learning, helping students stay motivated and engaged. Instructors can create their own questions, draw from community content, or access the Learning Catalytics library of question clusters. Focused on key topics, the clusters consist of 2-5 questions about a single data set or scenario.
Empower each learner: Each student learns at a different pace. Personalized learning, including adaptive tools and wrong-answer feedback, pinpoints the precise areas where each student needs practice and gives all students the support they need — when and where they need it — to be successful.
- NEW - Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience available within Mastering. It allows students to easily highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place—even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Pearson eText for Biology: A Global Approach presents carefully chosen and edited videos and animations that bring biology to life. Resources include NewFigure Walkthroughs and HHMI Biointeractive videos and animations.
- NEW - Figure Walkthroughs guide students through key figures with narrated explanations, figure markups, and questions that reinforce important points. Questions associated with each Figure Walkthrough encourage students to be active participants in their learning.
- Dynamic Study Modules areassignable modules that pose a series of question sets about a course topic. The questions adapt to each student’s performance and offer personalized, targeted feedback to help them master key concepts. As a result, students build the confidence they need to deepen their understanding, participate meaningfully, and perform better — in and out of class.
- Adaptive Follow-Ups (AFUs) provide targeted practice and coaching to help students master the material. Relying on findings from cognitive psychology studies, Adaptive Follow-Ups incorporate spacing — the practice of repeatedly presenting information over spaced intervals — to help students retain information. Each assignment is broken into sets of questions that target gaps in understanding based on the student's past performance on course work to date, including homework, tests, and quizzes.
- Visualizing Figure Tutorials guide students in practicing visual skills and include coaching feedback.
- Visualizing the Data coaching activities encourage students to practice their data interpretation skills.
Deliver trusted content: We partner with highly respected authors to develop interactive content and course-specific resources that keep students on track and engaged.
- Galapagos Evolution Video Activities, filmed on the Galapagos Islands by Peter and Rosemary Grant, bring to life the dynamic evolutionary processes that impact Darwin’s finches on Daphne Major Island. Six videos explore important concepts and data from the Grants’ field research, with assignable activities.
- NEW - LabBench pre-lab materials provide the perfect combination of technique, content, and skill development to help your students move toward inquiry and understanding. These take students step-by-step through the concepts and techniques necessary to understand and conduct biological investigations, and ask them to make predictions, justify conclusions, evaluate data, apply mathematical techniques, and analyze the results of their investigation. Each section ends with formative assessment questions that test student comprehension and implement answer-specific feedback for each question.
- LabBench topics are: Cellular Respiration, Biotechnology—Bacterial Transformation, Biotechnology—Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA, Energy Dynamics, Cell Division—Mitosis and Meiosis, Transpiration Fruit Fly Behavior, Enzymes, Diffusion and Osmosis, Photosynthesis, Artificial Selection, Hardy-Weinberg Modeling, Blast and Phylogeny
- Evaluating Science in the Media coaching activities guide students through a step-by-step process for evaluating the authority, motivation, and reliability of online sources of scientific information. Topics include genetically modified organisms, head injuries, tanning and skin cancer, and more.
- Scientific Thinking Activities help students develop an understanding of how scientific research is conducted. Topics include research questions such as “Can Scientists Use Gene Expression Data to Personalize Cancer Treatment?” and “Do the Microorganisms in Our Digestive Tract Play a Role in Obesity?”
- HHMI Short Films are documentary-quality movies from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute that explore topics from the discovery of the double helix to evolution, with assignable questions.
- BioFlix® 3-D Animations help students visualize biology with movie-quality animations that can be presented in class, reviewed by students on their own in the Study Area or eText, and assigned in Mastering Biology. BioFlix Tutorials use the animations as a jumping-off point for Mastering Biology coaching exercises on tough topics.
Improve student results: When you teach with Mastering, student performance often improves. That’s why instructors have chosen Mastering for over 15 years, touching the lives of over 20 million students.
New to this Edition
Innovative pedagogy helps students bridge gaps and develop a conceptual framework
- Chapter Openers introduce each chapter and feature a question answered with a clear, simple image to help students visualize and remember concepts as they move through the chapter. Each opener includes a study tip and points students to interactive media and study tools in Mastering Biology.
- Interactive Visual Activities give students an engaging way to interact with Biology: A Global Approach’s powerful art program while deepening their understanding of biology. These are available in Pearson eText.
- Science in the Classroom presents annotated journal articles from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)andmakes reading and understanding primary literature easier for students. The articles include assessments in Mastering, allowing instructors to assign the journal articles.
Helps students make connections visually across biology
- Make Connections Figures from the textbook are now also in the Pearson eText and Mastering Biology. These two-page visual representations show the “big picture” relationships between content from different chapters.
- Additional Figure Walkthroughs that guide students to a deeper understanding of the ways in which figures represent biological structures, processes, and functions. One- to two-page visual spreads feature key figures with narrated explanations, figure markups, and self-assessment questions that reinforce important points and incorporate higher-level Bloom’s questions. Visualizing questions appear in every chapter and ask students to create visuals themselves.
Build key scientific skills and help students apply what they learn
- UPDATED - Test bank questions have been analyzed and revised with student success in mind. Revisions account for how students read, analyze, and engage with the content, providing a rebuilt Biology: A Global Approach assessment program.
Global Approach To Reading
Mastering Biology is not included. Students, if Mastering Biology is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering Biology should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Reach every student with Mastering
- Early Alerts in Mastering Biology help instructors know when students may be struggling in the course. This insight enables instructors to provide personalized communication and support at the moment students need it so they can stay—and succeed—in the course.
- Five Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules expand the number of modules designed to make use of teaching tools before, during, and after class, including new ideas for in-class activities. The modules incorporate the best that the text, Mastering Biology, and Learning Catalytics have to offer and can be accessed through the Instructor Resources area of Mastering Biology.
o Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience available within Mastering. It allows students to easily highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place—even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Pearson eText for Biology: A Global Approach presents carefully chosen and edited videos and animations that bring biology to life. Resources include NewFigure Walkthroughs and HHMI Biointeractive videos and animations.
- Figure Walkthroughs guide students through key figures with narrated explanations, figure markups, and questions that reinforce important points. Questions associated with each Figure Walkthrough encourage students to be active participants in their learning.
- LabBench pre-lab materials provide the perfect combination of technique, content, and skill development to help your students move toward inquiry and understanding. These take students step-by-step through the concepts and techniques necessary to understand and conduct biological investigations, and ask them to make predictions, justify conclusions, evaluate data, apply mathematical techniques, and analyze the results of their investigation. Each section ends with formative assessment questions that test student comprehension and implement answer-specific feedback for each question.
Table of Contents
1 Biology and Its Themes
2 Atoms and Molecules
3 The Chemistry of Water
4 Carbon: The Basis of Molecular Diversity
5 Biological Macromolecules and Lipids
6 Energy and Life
Unit 2 Cell Biology
7 Cell Structure and Function
8 Cell Membranes
9 Cellular Signaling

10 Cell Respiration
11 Photosynthetic Processes
12 Mitosis
13 Sexual Life Cycles and Meiosis
14 Mendelian Genetics
15 Linkage and Chromosomes
16 Nucleic Acids and Inheritance
17 Expression of Genes
18 Control of Gene Expression
19 DNA Technology
20 The Evolution of Genomes
Unit 4 Evolution
21 How Evolution Works
22 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
23 Microevolution
24 Species and Speciation
25 Macroevolution
26 Introduction to Viruses
27 Prokaryotes
28 The Origin and Evolution of Eukaryotes
Biology A Global Approach Pdf Torrent Download
29 Nonvascular and Seedless Vascular Plants
30 Seed Plants
31 Introduction to Fungi
32 An Introduction to Animal Diversity
33 Invertebrates
34 Vertebrates Rorty postmodern bourgeois liberalism pdf file.
35 Plant Structure and Growth
36 Transport in Vascular Plants
37 Plant Nutrition
38 Reproduction of Flowering Plants
39 Plant Signals and Behavior
40 The Animal Body
41 Chemical Signals in Animals
42 Animal Digestive Systems
43 Animal Transport Systems
44 Animal Excretory Systems
45 Animal Reproductive Systems
46 Development in Animals
47 Animal Defenses Against Infection
48 Electrical Signals in Animals
Biology A Global Approach Pdf Torrent Free
49 Neural Regulation in Animals
50 Sensation and Movement in Animals
Biology A Global Approach Pdf Torrent Full
51 An Overview of Ecology
52 Behavioral Ecology
53 Populations and Life History Traits
54 Biodiversity and Communities
Biology A Global Approach Pdf Torrent Downloads
55 Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling in Ecosystems