- Synastry & Relationship Astrology – synastry (chart to chart comparison), the composite chart, advanced techniques, predicting love and marriage, and more. Natal Astrology – aspects between planets and points, planets in signs and houses, and more. Chinese Astrology. Chinese Astrology – learn your sign and element.
- May 03, 2021 AIR Software Review Comments Questions & Answers Update program info The AstroClock is a program that uses your computer's clock to calculate the exact position for all the planets in the sky for your locality and displays the chart on a beautiful horoscope wheel on screen.
- Jan 05, 2021 Astrology Forecast Software – software for primary directions. Astrotides – a software for lunar astrolog from Astrolabe. Day Watch – a comprehensive astrological calendar program. Genius Loci – it calculates geocentric and topocentric positions of the planets, angular speed values, apparent magnitudes, distances from Earth and many more.
AIR Software - This line of software provides excellent visualization tools, especially for the professional astrologer who does phone consultations and doesn't like to generate pages and pages of print-outs to end up in a garbage dump. Lehman Associates - Our own software is designed to help teach you primarily classical concepts, using the.
Calculating charts used to be the biggest hurdle for those who wanted to practice astrology. But modern astrologers have been blessed with computers and astrology software. What a relief!
Your computer makes the job of running charts so much easier. But how do you choose the best astrology software app for your budget and needs? I’ll lay out what I think are the best options available. I encourage you to leave your feedback, comments, and questions at the end of the post.
Web- and app-based astrology software
Astro.com (free, web-based)
Whoever said nothing in life is free never visited Astrodienst (say it: astro-DEENST) at astro.com. This is a great place for an astrology student, hobbyist, or enthusiast to calculate charts online, for free. They are based in Switzerland, so you know the charts are accurate. Astro.com has a ton of useful options, some great free reports, and valuable subscription services. I really like their “Personal Daily Horoscope”. Another free gem you can access here is Astrodatabank, an extensive collection of charts for research and education.
LunaAstrology.com ($, web-based)
Ben 10 protector of earth iso tpb games. This online software is as impressive as it is promising. You can use LUNA’s intuitive interface to easily create a beautiful, printable chart and generate some really useful reports and sortable lists. Save and organize your chart data. Because it’s web-based, you can access your charts from your desktop or mobile. All you need is a browser. At $5 a month or $36 a year, this is a great option for you if you’re not ready to lay out a chunk of change on a desktop package. Tech support is fast and friendly.
AstroApp ($$, web-based)
AstroApp is a subscription-based program that lives securely “in the cloud.” The free trial is limited, but it shows you what the app does– which is a lot! Click around, as I did, and you might also be excited by the promise of those greyed-out options.
Assuming this project is still in the early stages, I really think the hearts and minds behind AstroApp have created something promising! The full-featured pro-level subscription is well-priced at less than $100/year. Still too much? A monthly subscription option is available for the commitment-phobic!
Astro Gold ($$ iOS, Android)
Astro Gold is a suite of Android and iOS apps. Astro Gold makes it easy to get charts, bi-wheels, and aspect grids on the run, fast and easy. It’s my go-to when I check the “chart of the day” on my iPad in the mornings.
At $25 for Android, $40 for your iPhone/iPad, this is a great addition to your mobile toolbox.
iPhemeris is another easy charting app for iOS. The interface takes a little more patience to master, but it is a solid chart calculator and on-the-spot ephemeris for your mobile. The price points make iPhemeris apps attractive options.
Professional astrology software
Astro Gold ($$$ iOS version)
Astro Gold is relatively new. The scuttlebutt has it that programmers who used to work for Solar Fire are now working on this competing package for the Mac. I cannot hide my love for this software. Astro Gold has incorporated some of my favorite features from the old Io series from Time Cycles Research– and made them a lot more user-friendly, too.
$230 gets you a full-featured copy for your Mac. Astro Gold is constantly improving and adding new features, making your software investment more valuable as time passes. Customer service is friendly and quick to respond to bug reports.
A potential drawback of Astro Gold is that some of the best features do not work on older Macs that cannot run the newest version of Mac OS. I cannot print transits lists from my 2010 iMac, and that’s a bummer.
Solar Fire ($$$, Windows)
Solar Fire is the only software I use for my professional work, and the only reason I still have a computer with a Windows operating system. It’s the deluxe toolkit. It has everything AND the kitchen sink when it comes to astrological tricks and techniques!! It’s also fully customizable– configure the settings and use the Page Designer to get just the chart you want.
If you struggle to work your computer, this may not be the right package for you. There is a learning curve with the Solar Fire interface. It’s not the most intuitive. Check out the online tutorials to see if it looks like something you can comfortably handle. Once you have the “lay of the land” and know your way around the software, it is pretty fast and easy to get what you want out of it.
Air Software Astrology Pro
Solar Fire’s $360 price tag may put it out of reach for astrologers who are on a limited budget. (But– keep your eye on it on Black Friday!)
Matrix/Cosmic Patterns ($$$, Windows)
Pegasus is a robust little entry-level astrology software package that I was able to preview at the 2019 NCGR conference in Baltimore. It almost looks perfect for students, but you might eventually want to upgrade. Their top-of-the-line package, Sirius, goes for $550 and has all the bells and whistles. But – I have heard mixed reviews and buyers’ remorse from Sirius users.
Matrix probably has the biggest and best selection of computer-interpreted chart reports. (Preview some here.) Of course, a live reading is so much better than a computer, but the reports are fun– and often enlightening.
More astrology software for Windows
There are scads of astrology software apps and programs available for the Windows platform, and many of them are free! I couldn’t even begin to review them all.
Luckily, someone else has done the hard work for us. If you dare go down the rabbit hole, check out Hank Friedman’s extensive astrology software reviews.
Are you an astrology software company looking for a review? Please leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you quickly.
What do you think? Did I miss a good one? Let me know in the comments.
What to download (scroll down for more info):
Download Meanings if you want to read natal interpretations for rising sign, planets in signs and houses, and planetary aspects.
Download RF_Ephem_SE if you want an ephemeris generator & aspectarian for geo or helio, tropical or sidereal zodiacs - and more.
Download Vocation for natal reports and vocational analysis calculations, keywords, tutorials, and more!
Download Astro123 for natal, relationship (synastry), and transit reports, dual cosmodynes, keywords, tutorials, and more!
Download AstroWin for progressions, solar arcs, transits, solar and lunar returns, dual cosmodynes, planetary hours, diurnals, primary directions, astro-relocation maps, AND numerology.
Older versions of microsoft remote desktop for mac. Download Transits for checking your daily transits - with interpretations. Now available in an Android phone version as well.
Download SE_Aspectarian for calculating planetary aspectarians and exact aspect times.
Download SE_Cycles for calculating planetary aspectarians and exact aspect times - and more.
Download Election Helper for electional astrology (including helio and asteroids) and to see what is happening minute-by-minute.
Download Horary Helper for horary astrology calculations and tutorials.
Download Midpoint for investigating midpoints.
Download Discovering Horary for horary astrology calculations and LOTS more, including minute-by-minute transits to natal planets, midpoints, and house cusps.
Download AstroClk for electional astrology and to see what is happening minute-by-minute.
Download MatchMkr for investigating and researching astrological compatibility with Chiron, as well as generating lists of dates which have planetary composite chart and synastry aspects which meet user-selected criteria (get birth dates of people who may be compatible with you).
Download PopHR if you like to use planetary hours and see what planetary hour you are currently in.
My basic philosophy is this:
Do not charge people for something they could get for free elsewhere - that would not be fair to them.Try to use whatever I have so that the most people can benefit from it.
Don't sell any of my free interps because people can get them for free at my website.
Make people aware of my website so they may take advantage of all the tools I have here.

We should never try to take advantage of others, only try to help them.
Air Software Astrology System
If people want to make donations to you or anyone, then they should be free to do so ('Give as the heart dictates and the means permit').Download my best astrology programs:
All this software is compatible with Windows 7 - Windows 10.Meanings - (new 14 Feb 2018)
RF_Ephem_SE - (new 15 Jan 2018)
Finding Lucky Times - (updated 05 Jul 2021)
Vocation - (updated 25 May 2010)
Astro123 - (updated 02 Jun 2009) - User Reviews
AstroWin - (updated 20 May 2011) - User Reviews
Transits - daily guide to planetary influences (updated 30 Jan 2012 - Android version)
SE_Aspectarian - (updated 31 Mar 2015)
SE_Cycles - (updated 30 Aug 2020)
Election Helper - (updated 25 May 2010)
Horary Helper - (updated 25 May 2010)
Midpoint - midpoint calculation program (updated 26 Dec 2014)
Discovering Horary - (new 15 November 2010)
AstroClk - (updated 19 Apr 2011 - new install file)
AstroClock Screen Saver - (updated 15 Mar 2004)
MatchMkr - (updated 18 Jan 2010)
Air Software Astrology
Other Programs:
ProgTran - listing of progressions, solar arcs, and transits (updated 23 Apr 2006)
AstrLine - astroclock program (view display) (updated 14 Jan 2000)(may not work on Windows 7)
PopHR - Get better results in the things you do by working with planetary hours (updated 09 Dec 2006)
Source Code:
Astrology DATABASE source code that you can modify yourself and make your own program. (updated 20 Apr 03)
Astrology source code that you can modify yourself and make your own program. (updated 05 Jan 05)
Please read:
To install: unzip the .zip file, then run setup.exe OR if the downloaded file is a .exe file, then just run it.
In order to properly use these programs, you will need to know the longitude, latitude, and time zone for the birth date and location you are working with. You may get this information online by visiting Alois Treindl's Astrodienst Atlas Database web site. Or call ACS at 1-800-888-9983 or Astrolabe at 1-800-843-6682 and order The American Atlas and/or The International Atlas for about $40 each.
Air Software Astrology Download
If you get an error message when you try to display a chart wheel, then you must manually copy the appropriate file, HORARY.TTF, MATCHMKR.TTF, or ASTRO123.TTF, from your c:windowssystem directory or your application directory into your c:windowsfonts directory.