Professionally produced stage plays, ready to read now
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Featured in Comedies: Postnuptials
by David Earle
“An exhilarating night of theatre”
- 450+ Plays Professional Playscripts, Inc. Publishes a wealth of new plays and musicals ideal for professional theaters. We have an amazing collection of short and full-length plays and musicals. From adaptations to avant-garde pieces, hilarious farces to compelling dramas, you will find the genres and subject matter ideal for professional theaters.
- Flexible cast; 3 pages in length. Approximately 1-5 minutes running time. A short play for children about acceptance by Shaneisha Dodson. The Google-Bob Berry Bush. Seuss-style script for ages 5-7. Flexible casting. The Banyan Tree and the Little Grass. 5 pages in length.
Free Play Scripts for Drama Students. Fantastic collection of half a dozen original downloadable stage plays suitable for 9-15 year olds. Plays range from 60-80 minutes in length and have both small and large casts. Great for the drama classroom, youth theatre, camps, school productions etc. Professionally formatted with attribution the only. The script takes place in the 1980s but the students from detention end up performing a 1920's play within the play. There is a lot of comedy and excellent monologues throughout the script and even some songs. This play has a flexible cast of 11 to 26. Buy a low cost PDF from
Playscripts, playscripts, playscripts!
ProPlay is the premier site on the web for online, professionally-produced stage plays, which you can read right now, free-of-charge. You may browse our play scripts by category or by playwright name. In most cases, the playwright has chosen to have the entire script posted; in all cases, substantial portions of the play may be read now. For free.

ProPlay has been created to make the scripts of professionally-produced stage plays available to a wider readership, and to a wider pool of potential producers, than conventional play publishing allows. In many instances, however, our scripts are also available in print. Where that’s the case, we have provided a link for those who prefer to buy the print version.
All scripts are copyright the playwright, and performance rights must be secured before the play is produced.
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Oh! Christmas Tree
By Conni Massing
“Spirited, hilarious, mischievous”
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On the Roof
By Donna Hoke
“A masterful journey”
Out Among the Dragons
By Dan Noonan
“Engaging, savvy”
Premiere After-Party
By Valentin Krosnogorov
Murder on opening night!
Shave ’em Dry
By JG Simmons
Based on the true story of a blues classic
The Dallas File
By Kenneth Robbins
“An ending that comes as a shocker”