

See full list on fusionfalllegacy.fandom.com. FusionFall is a free-to-play MMOG that takes all of the best Cartoon Network characters, re-imagines them in an anime-inspired style and sets them in dynamic new environments. Players create their. FusionFall is a huge sci-fi browser based MMORPG that takes place in the Cartoon Network multiverse. Create a unique character and help your favorite cartoon heroes save the planet from the evil Lord Fuse. Fight with swords or guns and collect tiny Nano helpers like Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls and Ed from Ed, Edd, and Eddy to. See full list on fusionfall.fandom.com.

  1. FusionFall Heroes
  2. Fusionfall : Gamers

Reviving the dead.


This week I wanted to put together a list of dead MMOs that you can inexplicably still play. Apparently I wasn’t the only one with an itchy finger to write about this subject, but while Justin’s piece covers a number of titles that currently still in development, I wanted to focus on emulators that can be played right now. I also tried to avoid some titles that are running but for all intent and purpose basically dead on their own.

So here are 10 dead MMOs that you can actually still play. Please note that none of these servers have been explicitly endorsed by the original developer/publishers.

1: Cartoon Network Fusionfall

Cartoon Network’s MMO Fusionfall may have shut down in 2013 but that doesn’t mean you can’t play it. A number of people have gotten together to revive Fusionfall and actually keep the game going in the form of two projects. Fusionfall Retro is a revival of the original game with the original 36 nanos and the game world recreated as you remember it. Fusionfall Legacy is a remastered, reimagined version with new visuals, new content, and a new game world.

Both versions are still receiving updates to this day.

2: Perpetuum

Perpetuum Online shut down back in 2018, but really only the official servers went offline. You can still buy the game on Steam where it enjoys a somewhat active community in the form of a server browser and player-hosted servers. If you played the game prior to Steam, you may even be able to still request a Steam key by emailing the developer.

3: Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies is great because no matter your preferred flavor of Old Coke vs New Coke, you’ve got something that can satisfy your thirst. For those who prefer the game before the combat upgrades, you have SWGEmu. If you want to play the game post-combat upgrade and possibly be playing on the bigger server, you’re going to want to go with SWG Legends.

You might even find MassivelyOP’s Bree harvesting meat and selling bots.

4: Asheron’s Call

Back when Turbine got out of the business of making good games, Asheron’s Call 1 & 2 were supposed to have officially sanctioned private server tools distributed. That never happened, but that didn’t stop existing and new servers from keeping the old MMO running.


Asheron’s Call emulators can be found here and here. Unfortunately for its few fans, AC2 never received the same treatment.

5: City of Heroes

Turns out City of Heroes was running for years under a secret emulator project only a few people had access to. Well now City of Heroes can be played by anyone in the form of the Homecoming servers. There are a ton of other servers emulating City of Heroes, but if you want the most populated and likely to stick around in the long term, we suggest going with Homecoming.

6: Club Penguin

Club Penguin isn’t just the home for many of your favorite off-color memes. Club Penguin Online is a recreation of Club Penguin as the original service shut down in 2017 because Disney doesn’t want to make games anymore. On the plus side you no longer have to pay for membership benefits. The downside? You’re going to have to start from scratch.

7: Warhammer Online

Warhammer Online shut down in 2013, but since 2014 Return of Reckoning has been running pretty much unopposed. I have personally played on the server from time to time and can vouch that it is stable and has a somewhat small but active user base.

8: Pirates of the Caribbean Online

Another Disney title. Pirates of the Caribbean Online shut down in 2013 but you can still play it thanks to Pirates Online. The game appears to be well-maintained with a small but active community, and probably no risk of getting shut down by Disney.

#9: Age of Empires Online

Age of Empires Online was a fun game that lodged itself into the hearts of gamers only to be ripped out shortly after in 2014. Thanks to Microsoft releasing the developer kit for the game, AoE Online came back in the form of Project Celeste which can be played for free in online or offline mode. Path of diablo guides.

#10: Toontown Rewritten

FusionFall Heroes

It’s kind of amazing that Disney, a company well known for a zealously litigious defense of its intellectual properties, has three MMOs on this list that they have allowed the community to run past the official sunset date. Maybe someone at the top realizes that the company would waste more on lawyers and actively push away people who just want to play their games in the process.

Fusionfall : Gamers

Toontown Rewritten is a fan emulator for Toontown. Of course.